The XXII Congress of Pediatricians of Russia with international participation

“Actual Problems of Pediatrics”

jointly held with
Ist conference of pediatric dermatologists of Russia
21-23 February 2020
Moscow, Russia 

About the Congress

Dear colleagues!

The Union of Pediatricians of Russia invites you to take part in The XXII Congress of Pediatricians of Russia with international participation “Actual Problems of Pediatrics” jointly held with Ist conference of pediatric dermatologists of Russia. 

Executive Order №16 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation “On execution of the XXII Congress of Pediatricians of Russia with international participation “Actual Problems of Pediatrics”” dated January 17, 2020

Letter of Moscow City Health Department №10-18-3605/20

The I Summit of Medical Specialists and Health Organizers “Nutritional Components in Health Programming”, the II Russian seminar "Insurance Medicine in Child Health Protection”, the II Russian forum “Volunteers to Children of Russia”, the III National Assembly “Protected Generation”, the IX Eurasian Forum on Rare Diseases, the X Forum of Pediatric Nurses and the XIII International Forum of Pediatric Surgeons and Orthopedic Traumatologists will be held within the Congress.

In case of successful accreditation by Development Coordinating Council for Continuous Medical and Pharmaceutical Education all the participants will earn 12 educational credits.

Participants of the Congress attending online in scientific symposia will recieve 12 educational credits for the first time.

Registration for broadcast

The 22th Congress of Pediatricians of Russia "Actual Problems of Pediatrics", Moscow, Russia, 21/02/2020-23/02/2020 has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 20 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.

The results of competitions will be summed up at the opening ceremony of the Congress on February 21, 2020 at 18:00:
• "Children 's Doctor 2019"
• "Children 's Nurse 2019"
• "Pediatric medical facility 2019"
• "Educational institution of higher education in pediatrics 2019"
• "Professional educational institution in pediatrics 2019"
• "Best art and historical sketch about the history of Russian pediatrics"

The results of young scientists competition will be summed up at the closing ceremony of the Congress on February 23, 2020.

The abstract submission for doctors and nursing staff
is open up to January 13, 2020 via the form on the web-site:

ATTENTION! The abstracts will be accepted only via the form on the web-site. Other variants will not be considered. 
For any additional information you can contact us:

The scientific program of the Congress and other events will be complemented by exhibits of the 27th International Medical Exhibition "Maternal and child health 2020" held on February 21 - 23, 2020. Applications for participation are accepted via tel. +7 (495) 681-76-65, +7 (495) 631-14-12, e-mail:


General assembly on preventive immunization and vaccination "Protected generation"

Key topics of the Congress

• About the implementation of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 29.05.2017 No. 240 "About the announcement of the Decade of Childhood in the Russian Federation" 

• Primary medical care for children: challenges and solutions 

• Scientific and practical aspects of the pediatrics development 

• Quality audit of healthcare delivery for children 

• Healthcare for children in educational organizations: school medicine 

• Nutrition of healthy and sick child 

• Preventive vaccination in pediatrics, family preventive vaccination 

• Perinatal medicine. Neonatal surgery. Vaccination of premature children 

• Urgent conditions in pediatrics and pediatric surgery 

• Socially significant diseases in pediatrics. Problems of child disability 

• Pediatric education: challenges and solutions 

• Role of nursing staff in children's healthcare 

• International cooperation in the field of child health 

• The history of national pediatrics 

• Topical issues of volunteering in pediatrics 

• Rare diseases 

• Insurance medicine and health insurance for children 

• Topical issues of pediatric dermatology, pediatric surgery and orthopedic traumatology, pediatric allergology and immunology 

• The role of patient organizations in modern children's healthcare 


• Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
• Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
• Federal Service for Supervision in Healthcare
• Federal Service for the Surveillance in the Sphere of Consumer’s Rights Protection and Public Welfare
• Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund
• Russian Academy of Sciences
• Moscow Healthcare Department
• The Union of Pediatricians of Russia
• European Pediatric Association EPA/UNEPSA
• Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
• Ural State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg
• St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg
• Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow
• Ogarev Mordova State University, Saransk
• The Turner Scientific Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg
• Siberian State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Tomsk
• Smolensk State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Smolensk
• Belgorod State University, Belgorod
• Tyumen State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Tyumen
• Scientific Сentre for Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems, Irkutsk
• Pediatric Research and Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases under the Federal Medical Biological Agency, St. Petersburg
• Federal Research Centre of Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety, Moscow
• Dmitry Rogachev National Research Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
• National Medical Research Center of Children’s Health of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
• Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
• Research Institute of Rheumatology named after V.A. Nasonova of Ministry of Education and Science, Moscow
• Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
• Tyumen Regional Clinical Hospital №1
• Chelyabinsk Regional Children Clinical Hospital
• The Central Pediatric Clinical Hospital of FMBA of Russian Federation, Moscow
• Morozov Children’s City Clinical Hospital, Moscow
• Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Orthopedics, Moscow
• E.P. Glinka Republican Children’s Clinical Hospital, Grozny
• Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College, Yekaterinburg
• National Medical Research Radiological Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
• Russian Academy of Pediatrics
• Russian Association of Specialists in Perinatal Medicine
• National Association of the Specialists in Control of Health Care-Associated Infections
• The Union of Experts in Preventive Immunization
• Russian Association of Allergology and Clinical Immunology
• Society for Pediatric Dermatology
• National Society of Pediatric Hematologist and Oncologists
• National Medical Chamber
• National Pharmaceutical Chamber
• Russian Association of Pediatric Surgeons
• Russian Association of Neurosurgeons
• Society on Development of Medicine and Healthcare
• Russian Society of Pediatric Oncologists
• Euro-Asian Society for Infectious Diseases

Patient organizations

Spiporz Union of Patients with Rare Diseases and Rare Disease Patients Organsiations

The Charitable Foundation Supporting Children with Epidermolysis Bullosa “BELA. Butterfly Children”

Regional Public Organization “Fragile Children”​​​​​​​

Charity foundation for premature children "Pravo na chudo" (A right for a miracle)

Russian Organisation of Parents of Disabled Children

Moscow City Association of Parents of Disabled Children

Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Patient Association

Regional Public Organisation to Help Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders "Contact"

Center on the Challenges of Autism: education, research, assistance, protection of rights

Association of Organizations Created by Parents and Relatives of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Other Mental Disorders


Dear participants!

You can become members of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia or pay the annual membership fee during the days of the Congress. 

We would like to mention that for our young colleagues (members of Young Scientists Research Competition) there is 100% discount (free membership in our association for 2020). 

For nursing staff there is 50% discount. 


Online registration is closed. 

Registration will be available on congress venue


Online payment is closed. 

Payment will be available on congress venue

Paper proposals

Submission for any reports and symposiums is closed. 

Soon the Scientific program of the XXII Congress of Pediatricians of Russia with international participation “Actual Problems of Pediatrics” jointly held with Ist conference of pediatric dermatologists of Russia will be published on web-site.

To make a speech on any symposium you have to admit your proposal before January 10, 2020 via e-mail, or directly to various congressional acts: 

• The I Summit of Medical Specialists and Health Organizers “Nutritional Components in Health Programming” - e-mail:, 

• The I all-Russian conference of pediatric dermatologists - e-mail:, 

• The II all-Russian seminar "Insurance Medicine in Child Health Protection” - e-mail: 

• The II all-Russian forum “Medical Volunteers to Children of Russia” - e-mail:, 

• The III National Assembly “Protected Generation” - e-mail:, 

• The IX Eurasian Forum on Rare Diseases - e-mail:, 

• The X Forum of Pediatric Nurses - e-mail:, 

• The XIII International Forum of Pediatric Surgeons and Orthopedic Traumatologists - e-mail:, 

We would like to draw your attention to: 

• The full repetition of speakers and chairmen on any symposium is not allowed. 

• Only one person at symposium can be both a chairman and a speaker. 

• One report can not be presented by more than three authors. 

• More authors can be allowed only in cases of multi-centre studies. 

• Author can present only one report at the symposium. 

• The flash drive is required to perform any presentation. 

The Union of Pediatricians of Russia will perform online streaming of scientific program sessions on the

Abstracts submission

Abstracts submission is closed.

The decision of Scientific Committee on abstracts publication will be send to authors via e-mail.


Submission of applications on any competitions is closed.

The decision of Scientific Committee will be sent to participants via e-mail.

"Children 's Doctor 2019"

To participate in this competition you need to send following documents to and correspondence address Office 2–8, Unit № XLIX, 81-1Vavilova Street, 2nd floor, 117335, Moscow before January 13, 2020:
• autobiography
• information about professional experience results
• information about awards, diplomas and treats
• photo
• letter of recommendation signed by the director of institution.

"Children 's Nurse 2019"

To participate in this competition you need to send following documents to and correspondence address Office 2–8, Unit № XLIX, 81-1Vavilova Street, 2nd floor, 117335, Moscow before January 13, 2020:
• autobiography
• information about professional experience results
• information about awards, diplomas and treats
• photo
• letter of recommendation signed by the director of institution.

"Pediatric medical facility 2019"

We invite specific establishments which have implemented unique approach for solving current challenges of pediatric practice and science to participate in this competition. You need to send following documents to and correspondence address Office2–8, Unit № XLIX, 81-1 Vavilova Street, 2nd floor, 117335, Moscow:
• summary of information on structure, staff, and main areas of activity (20 pages
• report on results of principal activities (for 3 years)
• photo report (2-5 photos)
• request for participation signed by the director of institution.

"Educational institution of higher education in pediatrics 2019"

We invite specific establishments which have implemented unique approach for solving current challenges of pediatric practice and science to participate in this competition. You need to send following documents to and correspondence address Office2–8, Unit № XLIX, 81-1 Vavilova Street, 2nd floor, 117335, Moscow:
• summary of information on structure, staff, and main areas of activity (20 pages
• report on results of principal activities (for 3 years)
• photo report (2-5 photos)
• request for participation signed by the director of institution.

"Professional educational institution in pediatrics 2019"

We invite specific establishments which have implemented unique approach for solving current challenges of pediatric practice and science to participate in this competition. You need to send following documents to and correspondence address Office2–8, Unit № XLIX, 81-1 Vavilova Street, 2nd floor, 117335, Moscow:
• summary of information on structure, staff, and main areas of activity (20 pages
• report on results of principal activities (for 3 years)
• photo report (2-5 photos)
• request for participation signed by the director of institution.

"Best art and historical sketch about the history of Russian pediatrics"

To participate in this competition you need to send Microsoft Word or RTF file (Times New Roman, 12 font size, 1,5 line spacing, 10 pages max) with the article to before January 13, 2020 Photos, figures and other illustrations have to be numbered
and sent as separate files (JPEG or TIF). Notes for illustrations should be placed at the end of the article. The application to competition shall include information about the author (full name, biography, post indexm telephone, e-mail).
There are three categories in this competition:
• The history of creation of pediatric institution, department or service of the region
• Significant historical event in Russian pediatrics
• Leading pediatricians, teachers and pioneers of pediatrics, true Leaders of Russian

"Young Scientist Research"

To participate in this competition you need to send your work / abstract (in Word file up to 3000 symbols) to before January 24, 2020. In your application you should also mention all the information about the author (full name, date of birth, post, employer, city, country, telephone, e-mail) and the application itself should be certified by the signature of the head of your institution. 

General Information

Travel and Venue

Congress Venue: World Trade Center (Congress center), 12 Krasnopresnenskaya embankment, Moscow

By public transport:

1. Subway station «Ulitsa 1905 Goda» (to Krasnaya Presnya street). 
Than bus route №423 from subway station to WTC,
or on foot; 

2. Subway station «Vystavochnaya» and than on foot

By car:

There are entrances from Krasnopresnenskaya embankment and Mantulin street.

WTC has paid parking. 

For any additional information visit WTC web-site:

For non-resident

We have the company “Congress+” which is going to take care on hotel reservations for all participants.

Tel.:  +7 (985) 086-06-10



For any questions about the participation in Congress or symposiums you can contact us by telephone:
+7 (495) 681-76-65, +7 (499) 132-02-03, +7 (499) 132-02-07
On web-sites:,,

Payment methods

Membership fees are non-refundable due to article 123.4, paragraph 2, of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation according to which members of the public organisation do not retain any property rights on property transferred into ownership of the organisation including membership fees.